Friday, June 10, 2016

Great Reads... whether you are new or seasoned

Ahh... summer is here (or almost for those in the North). I love this time to be on my own time schedule and reflect on the past year and what I'd like to try in the Fall. Reading professional books are one of the ways that I do this. Over the next few blog entries I will suggest a few books that I consider INVALUABLE!

*Harry Wong's  The First Days of School ~ although it is geared for the general classroom, there are great ideas about management, rules, procedures etc. that I adapted into my music class. I specifically taught the procedures and we actually practiced them. We practiced lining up BEFORE we were ending the class. We practiced the procedure for using the recorders even if we weren't ready to use them that day. AND we practiced more that one day, we practiced several days. Not for long periods, just a quick review and practice.

Since we special area teachers do not see our students every day, we must review alot and realize that classroom teachers will have their routines in place much quicker than we will. If you don't like how something is working in your classroom, YOU get to change it! Remember this is your space/time - you are in it all day. Rituals and routines give your space structure. Make it comfortable for YOU!


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